An academic journey to success
AcaDec creates fundraiser to help their mission of competing and learning
Affable Advert: Rebecca Blumer (12) creates a poster to promote AcaDec’s fundraiser and reach a broader audience. Blumer said, “We have had more success this year, selling drinkware, than we have in the past. I believe it is because we advertised on social media.” Photo contributed by: Rebecca Blumer
It has become an annual tradition for Academic Decathlon to organize a fundraiser at the beginning of the school year in order to help support and meet the needs of the team. Though usually held in person, COVID-19 restrictions meant that the fundraiser had to be taken in a more virtual direction, but Team Captain Rebecca Blumer (12) continues to promote the cause.
Blumer has taken on a very active role in the fundraiser by organizing it, alongside with the support and insight of Coach Lori Morris.
“The Academic Decathlon conducts several fundraisers throughout the school year in order to help raise funds to assist with competition and travel fees,” Morris said. “In the past, the fundraisers have primarily served to raise funds toward the cost of travel to the national competition. We sell Oakwood drinkware such as tumblers and water bottles throughout the year, and in the spring, we typically have a flower sale.”
This year, Blumer enhanced the products they sold by customizing them in order to attract supporters.
“In the past we have sold drinkware but I wanted to buy new products,” Blumer said. “I met with one of the parent volunteers to design the drinkware. After choosing what we wanted to sell, we put in an order.”
With the fundraiser currently not being held in person, Morris furthers their efforts to support the AcaDec team by working with parent volunteers.
“As coach, I have helped with the coordination of the fundraisers alongside of the parents who help run it and the students who execute the fundraisers,” Morris said. “We are very fortunate in the AcaDec program to have a strong support system of parents and students who are willing to work above and beyond to make our fundraisers possible.”
With this kind of support, AcaDec has been able to cover a majority of their travel expenses and competition fees. But they continue to appreciate donations that can go to potential study materials, which is why they incentivize people in the community to help.
“You should contribute because Academic Decathlon at Oakwood is made up of smart, talented individuals who have the drive to succeed,” Blumer said. “If you make a contribution it helps support our program. So far we have won nine regional, ten state and nine national competitions over the years, and we are determined to continue this pattern.”
If you are interested in contributing to the cause, please contact Morris at [email protected] for more information.